• Save up $2,000
• Scrapbook my trip to Europe from last summer
• Learn a new language
• Try yoga and/or kickboxing
With the summer more than half way over (say it isn’t so!!!), I’ve started working toward almost all of my goals. I’ve been putting all my paychecks straight into my savings account, I’ve downloaded a few iPod applications on Spanish phrases and just recently bought the Berlitz software for learning Spanish, and I’ve made numerous trips to Michael’s for craft supplies. Then just last week, I attended my first ever yoga class.

With the large selection of yoga studios in North Jersey, the number one perk of SunTao is that it’s located literally seconds from my home. I pass by the studio every day on my way to work, and decided to visit their website and found a great deal: $40 for a month of unlimited yoga. Some places charge up to $20 per class! so $40 for a month was definitely a thumbs up. I checked out their class schedule and called to ask a few questions. Tao answered the phone and was very polite and answered all my questions accordingly. He put my name down for the beginner’s class that Friday.
So I was off to my very first yoga experience. With my stretchy yoga pants, a comfortable shirt, and purple mat, I arrived a few minutes early to fill out some papers, and made my way to the wooden floored room. There was only one other girl there, who made me feel a lot more relaxed knowing it was only her second time doing yoga. After only 3 more people arrived for the class, Tao started. I won’t waste your time telling you step-by-step what went on (you’ll figure that out during your first time :P) but I will tell you that yoga is definitely something you have to put your mind to. It was relaxing, and easier than I imaged. I got an excellent stretch out of it, and an hour to focus on nothing more than my body.
The class was nice, and I tried something new. I won’t lie though, I’m not sure if yoga is right for me just yet. If you’ve ever read anything about yoga, it is very much about letting your mind and body relax, and it definitely takes practice to get that inner peace. The next yoga studio I do plan to try out is Yoga Synthesis in Ramsey, NJ. The first class is free for new students, which is excellent for those who are not sure about yoga (ME!). And if you chose to continue, they offer the same deal as SunTao: $40 for a month.
I must admit, I was a bit intimidated by yoga. Some of the poses that people can tangle their bodies into are mind blowing. But if you’re ever in the same boat that I was in, remember, everyone has their first class.